General Overview
Extremely compact and lightweight, MAC represents a valid solution for analog X-ray examinations on bedridden patients or patients with reduced mobility in a variety of environments such as the emergency room, operative room and intensive care unit.
The marked manoeuvrability allows a quick and easy approach to the patient and the powerful high frequency X-ray generator guarantees a superior image quality in all clinical situations.



APR selection

Analog system
Smart Dose
Paediatric friendly
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Small and ultra-lightweight, the mobile system allows fast and easy access to different hospitals environments and safe transportation on elevators. The aluminium arm’s wide vertical travel and the wide rotation around the horizontal and longitudinal axis of the collimator assembly make the system suited for a variety of clinical situations.


APR selection
The control interface, available both as a standard keyboard and an 8” touchscreen, allows both manual and automatic exposure settings, combined with a variety of customization parameters. The operator can modify the APR parameters or use complete manual setting, depending on the needs of the patient and the procedure in question.

Analog system

Smart Dose
Technologically advanced components and innovative image processing software ensure optimal image quality with the lowest patient dose in all operating conditions, thus tailoring the dose to the patients and upholding their safety.