Massimo Sordi, President
Born on 12th March 1940 in Milan, where he currently lives.
Institutional Positions
- Knight of the Italian Republic since 1975.
- Commander of the Italian Republic since 1985.
Positions held in the Public Sector
He has held both associative and institutional offices of various kinds and levels in the Industrial Confederal System (Confindustria), in different Organizations and Institutions; amongst the many positions, it is worth mentioning his role as:
- Chairman of the Young Entrepreneurs Group (1973-1979);
- Member of the Confindustria Committee (1978-1982);
- Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce-CCIAA of Milan (1997-2007);
- Deputy Chairman of Assolombarda for Internal Relations (1981-1987);
- Chairman of Assoservizi (1990-1999);
- Deputy Chairman of Chemical Union of Assolombarda (1990-1995);
- Deputy Chairman Confidi Assolombarda (1990-1995).
More recently:
- Senior Deputy Chairman of the National Museum of Science and Technology “Leonardo Da Vinci” in Milan;
- Deputy Chairman of SACBO (Airport of Bergamo – Orio al Serio);
- Board Director of Brebemi S.p.A. – Bergamo (Motorway link BS-BG-MI);
- Chairman of the Corporation for the Motorway Serravalle-Milan;
- Board Director of SEA (Società Esercizi Aeroportuali Milano Linate – Milan Linate Airport Management Company);
- Board Director of “Fondo Luigi Gasparotto”;
- Board Director of “Istituto Spallanzani”;
- Board Director of “Fondo Impresa”;
- Deputy Chairman of the Italy China Foundation;
- Deputy Chairman of “CONFIDI” (Assolombarda);
- Member of the Managing Board and Executive Committee of Assolombarda in Monza and Brianza and Arbitrator of Assolombarda, Ethics Committee and Environmental Commission;
- Board Director of “Elettromedicali” Assobiomedica (outgoing member not re-eligible) and Federation Council, “Giunta di Federazione” (outgoing member re-eligible).
Positions held in the Private Sector
He holds the position of President and Chairman of the Board in many different entrepreneurial activities:
- Chairman of General Medical Merate S.p.A., GMM (Seriate, Bergamo and Cassano delle Murge, Bari) leading company in the production and distribution of X-ray diagnostics equipment;
- Recently, GMM acquired other companies dealing in the same sector, such as MECALL S.r.l., M.T. S.r.l. and IMS Giotto too (Sasso Marconi, Bologna) leading company in the production of advanced mammography systems;
- Chairman of IMD China (company of GMM Group) with head-office in Beijing, China;
- Chairman of GMM India;
- Chairman of L.P.E. S.p.A (company operating in the field of electronics, epitaxial reactors and, in the past, manufacturer of freeze-drying systems and generic systems geared up for the pharmaceutical industry);
- Chairman of L.P.E. China in Shanghai (China);
- Chairman of E.T.C. Catania;
- CEO of FIMESA S.p.A. a holding and service company with head-offices in Baranzate (Milan);
- Chairman of Brickel S.A. and Board Director of TRIUM S.A., companies with head-offices in Buenos Aires (Argentina) dealing in real estate, agriculture, energy.